A Holiday for Health
Holly Hack 5 years ago

A Holiday for Health

Since 1960, the first Monday in October has been set aside to celebrate and focus on the health of children.  In the spirit of that, we decided to take a few moments to share our take on childhood health and how we can help the children in our lives be the best that they can be, both inside and out. 

Promote Activity 

According to information compiled by the Department of Health & Human Services, only one in three children is physically active each day.  Here are some thin...
Getting Real About Routine
Holly Hack 5 years ago

Getting Real About Routine

With only a little over a week until the first day of the 2018-2019 school year and all the hustle-and-bustle that goes with it, we took some time to reflect recently on the importance of routine in our quest to achieve the best possible version of ourselves...and our children.  Routines are a powerful force that drives productivity, organization, and in some cases, sanity.  So, while you’re sending the kids to bed earlier and setting wake-up alarms for perhaps the...
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