Getting Real About Routine

Getting Real About Routine

With only a little over a week until the first day of the 2018-2019 school year and all the hustle-and-bustle that goes with it, we took some time to reflect recently on the importance of routine in our quest to achieve the best possible version of ourselves...and our children.  Routines are a powerful force that drives productivity, organization, and in some cases, sanity.  So, while you’re sending the kids to bed earlier and setting wake-up alarms for perhaps the first time in a couple months in an effort to get back into the school swing of things, we thought we would share some thoughts with you on the effectiveness and importance of those daily habits that shape our lives.

  1. It’s a giver’s game
  • Give yourself time for routines to solidify.  One study claims it takes a minimum of 18 days to make a habit stick, so don’t get discouraged if things aren’t going exactly as planned by 9am the day after Labor Day.
  • Give yourself a pep talk!  An essential part of every routine is the inclusion of daily affirmations.  Henry Ford is credited with saying “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.”  So, tell yourself you can...and you will!
  • Give yourself credit for the routines that you already have. Most of have habits already in place that dictate how we function on a day-to-day basis.  Applaud yourself for your initial attempts at keeping things moving forward—you deserve it!

  1. It’s the simple steps that get you the farthest! Make sure you make time for the following things every day:
  • Make your bed.  This philosophy was perhaps never as famous before, but when Admiral Wm. McRaven addressed the University of Texas at their 2014 commencement ceremony and opened his remarks by stating the importance of making your bed daily, he shed new light on this task and inspired many to add it to their daily rituals.
  • Make sleep a priority. The importance of this cannot be understated.  Sleep is essential for productivity, focus, and recovery, so take time to create a healthy sleep routine.
  • Make time to exercise. All movement is positive, and even making small changes in your day can increase your mobility and lead to a host of health benefits! 

Whether you’re an adult trying to make the most of your work day or a child attempting to learn as much as possible as you navigate each school day, we hope the tips above assist you as you strive to implement routines and be the best possible version of yourself!















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